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There are common organizations supporting all these campaigns : 

WHO Global Initiative on Radiation Safety in Health Care Settings

Aims to mobilize the health sector towards safe and effective use of radiation in medicine. This is done by integrating radiation protection into the concepts of good medical practice and health care service quality. This initiative provides a platform for collaboration between health authorities, radiation protection regulators, international agencies, professional societies, patient networks, scientific bodies, academic institutions and other stakeholders to improve the implementation of radiation safety standards in healthcare settings.

For more information click here

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Radiation Protection


IAEA publishes material regularly to inform about the safe use of ionizing radiation in medicine. The information aims to help health professionals achieve safer use of radiation in medicine for the benefit of patients and for patient education. 

For more information click here

Image Gently

The Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging is a coalition of health care organizations dedicated to providing safe, high quality pediatric imaging worldwide. Their main objective  is to raise awareness in imaging children. They promote the need to adjust the radiation dose and exposure parameters for children , " they are not small adults" .  The ultimate goal of the Alliance is to change practice. 

for more information click here.  

Image Wisely

The American College of Radiology and the Radiological Society of North America jointly formed a task force on Adult exposure to ionizing radiation from medical imaging. They collaborated with the American Association of Physicists in Medicine and the American Society of Radiologic Technologists to create the Image Wisely campaign to lower radiation used in medically necessary imaging studies and eliminate unnecessary procedures.

Image Wisely offers resources and information to radiologists, medical physicists, other imaging practitioners, and patients.

for more information click here.  

© 2016 by ArabSafe Group. 

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