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Working together to promote better use of radiation in medicine 

Join ArabSafe

Pledge to the Initiative and be safe 

Welcome to ArabSafe!


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WHO Course on Radiation Risk Communication to Improve Benefit-Risk Dialogue in Pediatric Imaging

Course starts on 22 March 2021 (deadline: 28 February 2021)


This peer learning course is intended to support effective use and application of the WHO guidance Communicating radiation risks in pediatric imaging: Information to support healthcare discussions about benefit and risk.


The course is primarily targeted at health-care providers who refer pediatric patients for radiological imaging or who perform radiological imaging in pediatric patients. Medical and dental school students, as well as those belonging to other academic and research institutions, may also apply.

Saudi FDA working on National DRLs

The National Radiation Safety Committee- SFDA has been working on establishing the first National Diagnostic Reference Levels for adult and pediatric CT imaging in Saudi Arabia. The DRLs will be published in 2021. 


Upcoming Joint PAARS meeting at the 57th Annual Conference for the Egyptian Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (ESRNM),  


April 7 – 9, 2020, in Egypt.

Several participants from ArabSafe country members in addition to Eurosafe Imaging will present the updates on Radiation Protection. 


ECR invited ArabSafe to meet Eurosafe Imaging,  


March 11-15, 2020, Vienna  Austria

During the European Congress of Radiology this year,  ArabSafe was invited in several sessions to share the updates on radiation protection efforts in the Arab World. This year Eurosafe meets Arabsafe and ISR meets ArabSafe during the event.  ECR


RSSA - 12th Radiological Society of Saudi Arabia Meeting


October 26-28, 2019 Jeddah Saudi Arabia

PAARs members meeting with ArabSafe and RSSA to encourage activities for ArabSafe in scientific conferences taking place in 2020. RSSA


PAARS congress


April 25 – April 27, 2019, in Algeria .

Looking forward to our participation at the Pan Arab Association for Radiological Societies congress taking place in Algeria April 2019 for more information PAARS


ArabSafe at ECR 2019 Congress

Feb 27- March 3, 2019, in Vienna Austria .

ArabSafe was invited by Eurosafe Imaging to participate in scientific sessions during the congress.


The Saudi Chapter also presented work conducted by the Saudi Food and Drug Authority about the first National Diagnostic Reference Levels established in Saudi Arabia 


ArabSafe met with Key members from the PAARS to discuss solutions and plan for strengthening the campaign's presence in Arab countries. 



Congratulations to KSA & UAE

2018/ 2019, Saudi Arabia and UAE


The Radiological Society of Saudi Arabia appointed the first female radiologist as chairman, Dr. Lamia Jamjoum. 


In addition, the UAE Radiological Society appointed Dr. Usama Al Bastaki. 


Wishing them both a fruitful term and looking forward to collaboration with ArabSafe.

Patient Safety Center Congress

Dec 1- Dec 3, 2018, in Saudi Arabia .

The Saudi Patient Safety Center invited ArabSafe to take part at its 1st International Patient Safety Congress in Riyadh to discuss topics like patient rights and patient empowerment in the field of diagnostic imaging.

ArabSafe At ECR

February 28 – March 4, 2018, in Vienna, Austria.

The European Society of Radiology and the EuroSafe Imaging alliance invite ArabSafe to take part in the EuroSafe Imaging poster exhibition at the European Congress of Radiology 2018.

- Participation of Arabsafe as member at the meeting of the International society of radiology quality and safety alliance (ISRQSA) scheduled  during ECR 2018

Saudi Chapter activity 

February 11 – 15,  2018, Riyadh Saudi Arabia.

Participation of Arabsafe during the 5th International Conference on Radiation Medicine (ICRM)

Algerian Chapter activity 

February 11 – 15,  2018, Algeria.

Introduction of Arabsafe during the IAEA TC regional training on radiation protection and safety for patients and workers in interventional fluoroscopic procedures.

ArabSafe & 9th PAARS Radiology Conference

May 3rd , 2017  Marrakech-Morocco

The Moroccan Society of Radiology is pleased to announce the joint meeting of the 9th Pan-Arab Radiology Conference and the 17th Franco-Moroccan Association of Radiology, which will take place from 4 to 7 May 2017 at the Palais des Congrès In Marrakech, Morocco.

ArabSafe Counsel Meeting will be held on Friday/ Vendredi 8h30-10h30 - Salle

Official launch of ArabSafe goes ahead

Feb 10, 2017  Dubai -UAE

The first ArabSafe committee meeting was held during the Total Radiology Conference at Arab Health 2017 last week. Modeled on the EuroSafe Imaging campaign, the new group aims to establish a radiation safety culture among Arabic-speaking countries and to ensure the appropriate use of radiation in medicine in the Middle East.   ( AuntMinnie read more )

ArabSafe will launch officially during Arab Health 2017.

Feb 1, 2017  Dubai -UAE

Join us by attending the Global radiation safety session and know more about the campaign. 

RSSA Joint Meeting presents ArabSafe.

October 22, 2016 Jeddah- KSA

During the 1st joint scientific meeting of Radiological Society and American Institute for Radiological Pathology (AIRP) three participations were made to promote the Bonn Call for Action and announce the establishment of ArabSafe.


Initiative aims to impact the current diagnostic imaging practice, support self regulation, increase awareness of radiation safety of patients, workers, and the general public, and promote a radiation safe culture.

IAEA & WHO meeting in Bonn

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) sponsored an International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine: Setting the Scene for the Next Decade”, in Bonn Germany in December 2012. 

They published a list of priorities for radiation protection in medicine called the Bonn Call for Action. It has been supported by governments, scientific societies and organizations responsible for the application of radiation in medicine worldwide. 

ArabSafe meets PAARS at RSSA 2019
WhatsApp Image 2020-02-10 at 1.52.59 PM.
ArabSafe meets PAARS at ECR 2019 
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Formal Establishment of ArabSafe

May 5th , 2017

All chairmen of radiological societies in the Arab World signed the establishment of ArabSafe, a radiation protection movement in Arab Countries.

Committee Installed

Secretary General: Prof. Mansouri Boujema

Dept. Secretary General: Dr. Sarah Hagi Albahiti

Members: Dr. Jamila Al Suwaidi & Dr Dina El Hussainey

Each society will identify a designated representative to join
them from eac
h country

ISR welcomes ArabSafe 

EuroSafe Imaging welcomes the official launch of ArabSafe

© 2016 by ArabSafe Group. 

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